BitBuddie 1-3/8" Dustless Bit Shroud
Dust Control System for Drills and Percussion Hammers
- 18" Vacuum hose included
- Captures dust and slurry
- Suction holds it in place
- Great for tight spaces
- Excellent for drilling faucet holes in stone countertops
- Use with core drills or percussion hammers
- 1-3/8" BitBuddie Model #D1900
- The BitBuddie dust and slurry control system is for use with drills, hammer drills, and core drills
- Fast and easy to use, the BitBuddie dust and slurry control system is held in place by vacuum pressure
- No clamps or braces are required. Turn on the Wet/Dry vacuum and put the BitBuddie where you want it, and you're ready to drill
- The 1-3/8" size is excellent for drilling faucet holes in stone countertops or any other place where space is tight
- It allows you to drill close to a wall or other obstacle and capture the dust or slurry as it's made
- The BitBuddie is designed to be used with the Dustless Technologies Wet/Dry Vacuum
- A system that is specifically designed to handle the dust and slurry created in construction sites