This extra vacuum lid is designed for use with clip top jars. They are perfect for airtight and vacuum sealed storage.
Vacuum sealing is ideal for pickles, infusions and ferments. It is especially perfect making for kimchi, kombucha and sauerkraut.
Each lid includes a Nanostopper which seals the jar. Use with your Airtender vacuum pump to remove the air. The pump makes a ‘pop’ sound to let you know when your vacuum is reached.
About Airtender
Airtender’s motto is ‘maximum taste, minimum waste’. Their innovative products are a great way to reduce food waste in your home. All made from sustainable materials in carbon-friendly factories. They spent 4 years developing the Nanostopper, which is the heart of their next generation vacuum sealing technology. They estimate that about 3.5 million glass jars and bottles have been reused for vacuum sealing with Airtender worldwide.
Dishwasher safe. BPA / BPS free.