AC-1 Adjustable Circle Cutter & Cutting Plate
Ask anyone who has been making buttons for a while and they'll tell that you cutting the designs for their buttons is the least pleasant part of the experience.
Yet cutting your designs is a necessary part of the process.
But it doesn't have to be unpleasant... if you're using the right tool.
And with that, let me introduce the AC-1 circle cutter... the BEST hand-held circle cutter on the market today!
While most circle cutters are made of plastic, the AC-1 is made of steel. And because it is, it isn't going to crack or break in the middle of a job, the way plastic cutters can, and will.
Plastic circle cutters cut by means of a straight-edged cutting blade. And because straight edged blades use the exact same part of the blade for each successive cut, they dull very quickly.
The AC-1 does its cutting by means of a rotary cutting blade. And rotary blades have far more surface area, so it's blade will stay sharper longer.
You can also re-sharpen the AC-1's blade. You can't do that with straight-edged blades.
The AC-1's cutting blade is safely housed inside the body of the cutter, so you can't inadvertently cut something you didn't intend to cut. Not so with plastic circle cutters.
And with the AC-1, you can cut more than one design at a time. Simply staple several of your printed sheets together (making certain the designs line up) and you'll be able to cut through them with a single turn of the handle. Try doing that with a plastic circle cutter and you'll just tear the paper.
The AC-1 is a fully adjustable circle cutter and it can make the cuts for any size button, ranging from a one-inch all the way up to a 3-1/2 inch button, and any size in between.
Adjusting the AC-1 is easy. Just loosen the thumb screw on top of the cutter, position the cutting arm where you want it, and re-tighten the thumb screw.
It's as easy as that!
And the AC-1 has a large plastic knob that was ergonomically designed to fit comfortably into the palm of your hand.
But with all its advanced features, perhaps the most valuable feature the AC-1 offers is its removable "cutting guide insert". The cutting guide insert is what makes cutting your button designs so easy and so accurate.
The easiest way for me to describe what the cutting guide insert does is to compare it to the scope on a rifle. (If you've ever fired a rifle that had a scope, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If not, I'll do my best to explain).
A rifle scope helps you hone onto your target, so your eye sees only what it needs to see. The cutting guide insert does the same thing and by limiting the view, it makes it easier to align the cutter and center your design before actually making the cut.
For the price, the AC-1 is a remarkable piece of equipment. If you're still using a plastic circle cutter, consider how much time you could save if you were using the AC-1.
Go ahead and give try the AC-1 circle cutter a try for a full 30-days. And then, if for any reason you aren't completely satisfied, return it and we'll refund your money (less shipping).
Learn how to adjust the AC-1 to cut different size buttons, .
To see a detailed view of Badge-A-Minit's hand-held circle cutter and see a feature by feature comparison to the AC-1,